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05-01-2025: Yesterday, both Ravensbank Charlie (Chuck) with Ms. Pia Christensen and Ravensbank Carrie (Carrie) handled by myself, the Danish Retriever Club aptitude test in best style. The two buggers have just turned 9 months of age.

The Danish Retriever Club Aptitude Test is a very simple test, and does not contain anything you should not expect from a welle trained youngster. Yet still we count it as a milestone. First of all the test provides admission to the entire DRK-test system, and with that starts the career as a working dog. Secondly - this is our first test to see the dog in an environment with a load of other dogs, peope and new external factors. For some dogs this can be a stressful thing, making them insecure. Not here. Both Chuck and Carrie were completely relaxed in the test area, and waited calmly until it became their turn. By these means the aptitude test passed is really good news. Congratulations to Ms. Christensen, who already owns and competently handles Ravensbank Lee (Lee) and Ravensbank Bruce (Bruce) from us.