Watch this video of a young dog and his handler complete the Danish Retriever Club Aptitude Test. It only needs to take three minutes.
What is the aptitude test? Here you see what happensthe dog on the video is Ravensbank Charlie (Chuck) who on the day is 9 months old.
Ravensbank Charlie (Chuck) handled by Ms. Pia Christensen (th.) and Søren with Ravensbank Carrie (Carrie) has passed the Danish Retriever Club aptitude test. On the day the two youngsters were 9 months old.
Retrievers and spaniels from the picking up day at Erholm Castle in October 2024. All Labradors except one is from Kennel Ravensbank.
Ms. Susanne Hansen, and Ravensbank Banksy (Banksy) passed the Danish Retriever Club aptitude tests, which qualifies the dog to participate in the working system of tests and trials.
Ravensbank Carrie (Carrie), 12 weeks old.
Ravensbank Carrie (Carrie), 12 weeks old.
From the trainings seminar with Ms. Philippa Williams on 22 June 2024 - Søren and Ravensbank Carrie (Carrie) nine weeks old. When the puppy is too small to be able to complete a given exercise at the proper speed, you just take it on the arm and has a success anyway. The handler is always responsible for creating a positive result by the end of training.
Ravensbank Carrie (Carrie) ni uger gammel
Ravensbank Carrie (Carrie) nine weeks old
Nesting Goldeneye on the training grounds
29-03-2024 - yet another winner result for NW1 NW1G NW2 Ravensbank Swoon (Sally) and Ms. Due in NoseWork1.
29-03-2024 - yet another winner result for NW1 NW1G NW2 Ravensbank Swoon (Sally) and Ms. Due in NoseWork1.
Ravensbank Bruce (Bruce) becomes third winner at official Working Test in Beginner Class.
NW1 NW1G NW2 Ravensbank Swoon (Sally) and Ms. Louise Brobæk Kiær Due with their first official result in Nosework 1.
NW1 NW1G NW2 Ravensbank Swoon (Sally) and Ms. Louise Brobæk Kiær Due with their first official result in Nosework 1.
NW1 NW1G NW2 Ravensbank Swoon (Sally) and Ms. Louise Brobæk Kiær Due with their first official result in Nosework 1.
NW1 NW1G NW2 Ravensbank Swoon (Sally) and Ms. Louise Brobæk Kiær Due with their first official result in Nosework 1.
LP1 LP2 LP3 DKLPCH Ravensbank Nippy (Billy) becomes Danish Obedience Champion at
2 years and 11 months of age.
Ms. Louise Brobæk Kiær Due trains towards the test DoMoreWithYourDog Novice.
Ravensbank Bambi (Maggie) passes the aptitude test in the Danish Retriever Club.
LP1 LP2 LP3 DKLPCH Ravensbank Nippy (Billy) with Ms. Helle Kublitz receives their first 1st prize in Obedience level 3 (highest)
Ravensbank Jo (JoJo), 2 years and 10 months old
Ravensbank Rose (Jean) becomes 4th at Working Test 09-09-2023