

pictures found which matches the given search phrase: 25 random pictures

Niclas og <a href="/ajaxhund.php?hund=Ravensbank%20Ice" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#myModal" data-remote="false" >Ravensbank Ice (Maggie)</a> wins the training test at Fuenen in intermediate class with 79/80 points. <span id="copyright">&copy;Lobke Jacoline Bloten</span>

Niclas og Ravensbank Ice (Maggie) wins the training test at Fuenen in intermediate class with 79/80 points.

This is Ravensbank Bob (Bob)\'s trademark - the paw-on-foot trick. When he is idle, he is supposed to go to neutral position and put his paw on my foot. ©Ravensbank Labrador Retrievers

This is Ravensbank Bob (Bob)\'s trademark - the paw-on-foot trick. When he is idle, he is supposed to go to neutral position and put his paw on my foot.

<a href="/ajaxhund.php?hund=Ravensbank%20Mint" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#myModal" data-remote="false" >Ravensbank Mint (Minte)</a> is the best dog on the day for the entire intermediate class at the Official Cold Game test on 16 August 2014. <span id="copyright">&copy;Ravensbank Labrador Retrievers</span>

Ravensbank Mint (Minte) is the best dog on the day for the entire intermediate class at the Official Cold Game test on 16 August 2014.

The goldeneye females inspects the new nesting box on our training grounds ©Ravensbank Labrador Retrievers

The goldeneye females inspects the new nesting box on our training grounds

Two proud cold game contestants July 2013. To the left, Ms. Marianne Graversen with <a href="/ajaxhund.php?hund=Ravensbank%20Wicked" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#myModal" data-remote="false" >Ravensbank Wicked (Wicked)</a> who had a 1st prize in novice class. The same result was acheived by Ms. Trine Christensen (to the right) with <a href="/ajaxhund.php?hund=Ravensbank%20Neat" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#myModal" data-remote="false" >DKBRCH DKWTCH Ravensbank Neat (Neat)</a> but also Ms. Christensen was awarded the judge's choice as the best dog of the day. <span id="copyright">&copy;Frank Graversen</span>

Two proud cold game contestants July 2013. To the left, Ms. Marianne Graversen with Ravensbank Wicked (Wicked) who had a 1st prize in novice class. The same result was acheived by Ms. Trine Christensen (to the right) with DKBRCH DKWTCH Ravensbank Neat (Neat) but also Ms. Christensen was awarded the judge's choice as the best dog of the day.

The first birds are down, and I am receiving instruction from the judge. <a href="/ajaxhund.php?hund=Ravensbank%20Jock" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#myModal" data-remote="false" >Ravensbank Jock (Jock)</a> seemingly is all-in, and so is Flo to the right. <span id="copyright">&copy;Marie Koefoed-Toft</span>

The first birds are down, and I am receiving instruction from the judge. Ravensbank Jock (Jock) seemingly is all-in, and so is Flo to the right.

Impressive judges' comments for <a href="/ajaxhund.php?hund=Ravensbank%20Skye" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#myModal" data-remote="false" >Ravensbank Skye (Lucca)</a> in intermediate class cold game test in September 2018. <span id="copyright">&copy;Jacob Hemmingsen</span>

Impressive judges' comments for Ravensbank Skye (Lucca) in intermediate class cold game test in September 2018.

Lovely picture of <a href="/ajaxhund.php?hund=Ravensbank%20Etta" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#myModal" data-remote="false" >Ravensbank Etta (Etta)</a>, only hours after she has moved into her new place 8 weeks old. <span id="copyright">&copy;Ann Schmidt</span>

Lovely picture of Ravensbank Etta (Etta), only hours after she has moved into her new place 8 weeks old.

Ravensbank Max (Freddie) runs his first official race on the agility course with Anja. With no errors they become no. 7 out of 39 dogs, and collects their first point in order to move up to class 2. ©Sannes Hunde Center

Ravensbank Max (Freddie) runs his first official race on the agility course with Anja. With no errors they become no. 7 out of 39 dogs, and collects their first point in order to move up to class 2.